Sea Weaves

Saori weaving has become a huge part of my life. It is an art and creative form that has felt like a part of me since I first sat at a loom.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ebb and flow...

I have been weaving, but not posting... I need to get better at that.

Terri is doing a virtual  Saori Kai- which is a gathering to show and share what you've been weaving. Normally in person, but a change of plans allowed for those of us from farther away to participate as well.

I had made a warp around Christmas time to do two scarves for a friend in different blue colour schemes, and had a bit of the warp left that I wasn't sure what it would become. I had been working on loose weaving a couple of times and when I started it sort of came naturally to play with that a bit more. I started with the darker yarn at the very end and then switched to the lighter yarn for the loose bits and back and forth.

I wove without any plan, or looking at it along the way.  I found it interesting afterward that as I wove, each loose section was a bit longer... Terri and I had talked about loose weaving as a way of remembering to allow more space and time in your life and during the time I was weaving, my life was especially full of 'goings on" so perhaps the weaving was trying to tell me something. :-)

Working with just the two yarns, back and forth, started to feel like waves... 
To hang it, I mounted a piece of east coast driftwood at either end, brought in by the tides...

Stitched close up...

 Looking up....

 Looking down....

Up close...

I call it Ebb and Flow. It reminds me that things come and go, and that there is a cycle. And that I have to balance the busy and the calm.