It started with this project:
A Community banner that was created as part of the Kaleido Festival, which will soon be displayed at the Carrot Coffeehouse, a volunteer run community coffee shop in my 'hood.

Terri Bibby created this fabulous carrot coloured warp to use.
I threaded it onto the loom, with some help from Tom, and we set up for two days of weaving at the festival. The weather was perfect, except a little windy, and the loom proved to be a very popular stop for the folks enjoying the festivities.
Getting started.
Adding in the Carrots from Terri. She wove a small piece with icicle carrots and green stalks hanging out. We worked the piece into the bigger banner by weaving in the fringes.
Our friend, the "other" Tom, taking his turn.
Tom, wearing a woven vest of mine, helping a young weaver pick out colours. We were great partners that day - I really enjoyed working together on this.
Another young weaver. We had over 150 people contribute a bit of weaving to the banner. Truly a community art piece.
Here we are with the finished piece. We used the whole warp. These are some of the last folks to weave a bit. The girl in the blue skirt at the end helped out several times, she even learned to wind a ball of yarn using the swift. She was one of the first to weave, and came back to be one of the last as well.
Here we are, parading the banner from the tent down to the Carrot.
The banner will be hung for display in the Carrot very soon - I will add some pictures of the display once it is up.
This was a wonderful, joyous day for me. Thanks to all the participants!
Wonderful - great photo essay of the development and the day. So happy to see you and Tom and the community weaving together!!