Sea Weaves

Saori weaving has become a huge part of my life. It is an art and creative form that has felt like a part of me since I first sat at a loom.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Coming soon...

OK so to keep myself accountable and on top of things I've decided to post a list of projects that I will post something about in coming days - this may take a bit of time since I am catching up on two year's worth of weaving plus posting about current things.... so be patient with me.

Directions Project - 4 weavings

Beach bag and bamboo scarf

Mermaid Tails - scarf and blanket

Fall runner and scarf

Oilers mobius scarves

My first weaving...

Pink scarves

Peacock warp (current) - weaving fabric to become article of clothing.


Saori design workshop (coming up in March)

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